Let's talk about: Philosophy, religion, current events, science, books, and all sorts of other strange and quirky things. It'll be fun. Really.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Noah's Ark on the Big Screen?

I went to the movies the other day and one of the fine previews I had the pleasure of viewing was the trailer for 2012, in which the Mayan's correctly predict the end of the world in the 2012. I had seen a preview for this several times but I had not seen this extended version. It starts out with the expected "The Mayans warned us," and epic natural disaster scenes. But then, much to my delight, it cuts to a scene where John Cusack says in an urgent and serious voice, "the governement is building these ships." AND THEN, cuts to a giraffe being airlifted. At this point I can hardly contain my gleeful giggles and I'm certain that people are looking at me. But it would seem that this is not simply a movie about the end of the world, but about a great flood where people escape on large ships. With animals. Why does that sounds so familiar...

I'm definitely going to see 2012 when it comes out. I think it's going to be a cinematic gem.

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